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Our blog posts are written by our community members who share their experience, hope along with feeling and heart. We are grateful for everyone who shares their journey.

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How Homebodies Can Take Care of Their Bodies and Minds

For gregarious social types, healthy lifestyles can be the result of good examples from your peers. On the other hand, introverts may have much less societal encouragement and pressure to focus on self-care. What follows are some methods you can use to take care of yourself without engaging with the world more than you can…

September 23, 2022
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Mental Health and Social Media

Social media platforms have become somewhat of a haven for people to forget about the hardships of life. Whether it be watching funny videos, scrolling through friends’ profiles to see what they’re up to, or engaging in enthused conversation with someone about a certain book, movie, or show they like. Unfortunately, social media can also…

September 3, 2022
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Finding Wellness Through Recovery

The idea of wellness has taken me a while to understand. It is not enough to just have our needs met. We also need to be well. Our needs cannot TRULY be fulfilled if we are sick. The body and mind have a wonderful way of establishing an equilibrium. How many times have you gotten…

September 3, 2022
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New Healthy Habits Can Help You Maintain Your Sobriety

Those in recovery from substance abuse face temptations every day, making sobriety a daily achievement. Initial withdrawal does not mean the battle is over. Old habits are hard to break and trying new things can be uncomfortable. However, the positive changes you make can help you maintain your sobriety. Healthy Habits to Help Maintain Your…

September 3, 2022
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Remote Work and Mental Illness in Virginia: Are They Compatible? 

The pandemic changed our lives drastically. For example, many of us now prefer to work from home — even just part-time — for a better work-life balance. Yet the stress that caused by the pandemic is also significantly impacting our mental health. Virginia currently ranks eighth in the nation when it comes to having the most adults…

June 13, 2022
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How to Make Ends Meet as a Person in Recovery  

As a person in recovery, making ends meet while you look for a job is not always easy. Luckily, there are ways to make it happen. Here are some tips that can help you cover your expenses while you are searching for a job that will meet your long-term needs.  Use Local Resources to Get…

June 9, 2022
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Nicotine, the manipulative chemical 

For decades, people have smoked cigars and cigarettes to relieve stress believing that nicotine can help them focus and combat anxiety. When you smoke, the muscles become relaxed at the expense of your appetite. Psychologically, anger and apprehension are lessened. This is what most people think anyway. Unfortunately, that is a pervasive yet flawed misconception….

June 3, 2022
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There Is Hope: Finding Financial Security During Addiction Recovery 

You are taking the steps necessary to recover from your addiction — congratulations! You should be proud of all your hard work thus far. As you continue your recovery process, you may need to regain some financial stability. While finances may not be the first thing on your mind, having a plan in place to…

May 28, 2022
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How Comparing Yourself to Others is Detrimental to Your Well-Being 

I’m scrolling through Instagram. On my feed, I am immediately swamped with the images of picture-perfect women walking on the beach in Maui, celebrities eating filet mignon in a candlelit room, and people posing with model-like postures holding on to their significant other.   Sometimes it is fun to see how others are living and experiencing…

May 2, 2022
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Live a more joy-filled existence by letting go 

A few days ago, one of my family members passed away from complications of COVID-19. We weren’t close. In fact, as adults, we haven’t spoken since his mother’s funeral in 2010. Yet, his passing has hit me – hard. There’s so much there, mostly regret. Regret that I didn’t reach out to him as an…

May 2, 2022
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